smollestduck's variety pack

This page will follow a character analysis format.
Content warning for murder and kidnapping, if anyone needs it.

MZ/"Milly", formerly known as Margeret Zenith Baxter

MZ is approximately 23 years old, working part time as a mechanic and welder. She personally believes that welding is more of a hobby for herself.

The part time jobs are cover-ups and aliases (civilian name: Milly) for her actual job - a hitman. MZ is great at this job, and is infamous in her city. She uses "MZ" as her alias for this, even though she considers MZ to be her real name.
The reason this may be the case is because she feels more like herself when she's committing murder. "There's no one to tell me that I'm killing people wrong", might be what she would say as an explanation. However, it is good to mention here that she doesn't remember her full name, only her first and middle name initials. Hence: "MZ".

MZ, when acting as a civilian, tends to be on the less expressive side. She showcases a blunt and more business side when talking to strangers. (The business side also applies to her hitman job, don't worry, she's a professional).
However, as a civilian, she had met Vivinae - a model who temporarily went undercover as a civilian. She ended up chatting with her for a couple hours at a coffee shop and they surprisingly hit it off well.
Reason being: MZ ended up enjoying Vivinae's company and rambled on about welding for a good while, after Vivinae mentioned liking handmade jewelry over mass-produced ones.

(Side Note: There will be more in-depth analyses for MZ and Vivinae's relationship later on, but this page is about MZ.)

MZ has a mother figure named Claire, who was formerly a paramedic. She found MZ passed out and bleeding out in front of her antique shop and decided to take her in. Claire was initially going to take MZ to the hospital, but MZ, half-awake, begged Claire not to. Luckily, Claire is an ex-paramedic and was able to stitch up most of MZ's wounds.
These two now work closely together, though Claire mostly stays out of the illegal activities MZ does. (Except for harboring a fugitive.)

More about MZ's general personality is that she enjoys her hitman job. It's more that she enjoys the thrill of the chase rather than the act of killing itself. (And also the money) But the money enjoyment comes out of the security and safety that she has a lot of money, since because she had gotten lost from her family at the age of 6, she never had much security and safety while growing up.
The other reason why she enejoys the thrill of the chase is because it is partly a power fantasy and a way for her to cope with the fact she nearly got kidnapped in the beginning of her teen years on multiple ocassions. She ended up killing one of her attempted kidnappers and went overboard with it. Luckily, she ran away before anyone could find out some guy was dead in an alleyway.